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[OpenGL programOpenGL※※VC框架

Description: OpenGL※※VC框架,包含单文档,多文档,对话框。-OpenGL * * VC framework consists of a single file, multi-file, the dialog.
Platform: | Size: 132907 | Author: 张立 | Hits:

[OpenGL programOpenGL※※VC

Description: OpenGL※※VC框架-OpenGL framework VC * *
Platform: | Size: 136763 | Author: 张要 | Hits:

[VC/MFCOpenGL VC-VB 图形编程

Description: OpenGL VC-VB 图形编程 OpenGL基础知识、应用,C语言环境下的使用,以及VB下的使用。 市面上对VB的OpenGL的书籍很少
Platform: | Size: 9254732 | Author: alicerocket001@163.com | Hits:

[OpenGL programwater

Description: opengl+vc++开发的水的模型,很不错的程序-opengl+ vc++ developed water model, very good procedures
Platform: | Size: 1705984 | Author: 朱军 | Hits:

[OpenGL programVC中OpenGL编程实现虚拟现实

Description: 这是一个很好的OpenGL编程实现虚拟现实-This is a good OpenGL Programming Virtual Reality
Platform: | Size: 606208 | Author: 孙在松 | Hits:

[OpenGL programOpengl架构

Description: 在VC中使用Opengl时的框架-in VC use the framework Opengl
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 张箭 | Hits:

[OpenGL programVC++多媒体特效制作百例

Description: 这是书“VC++多媒体特效制作百例”中的所有实例的源代码。重点讲述了opengl编程,也包括Direct编程等。 李晓远,贾滇昆,郭庆民.VC++多媒体特效制作百例.中国电力出版社,2001-This the "VC 100 cases produced multimedia effects," all examples of source code. Highlight the opengl programming, including programming, such as Direct. Li Xiao Yuan, Jia Yunnan Kunming, GUO. VC multimedia effects produced 100 cases. China Power Press, 2001
Platform: | Size: 10699776 | Author: 吴昌桂 | Hits:

[OpenGL programOpenGL VR(a plane)

Description: 在VC下用OpenGL编的虚拟现实飞机。可以提供虚拟物体的方法。-in VC using OpenGL series of the virtual reality plane. Objects can provide virtual method.
Platform: | Size: 311296 | Author: 永恒 | Hits:

[OpenGL programOpenGL开发框架与应用举例

Description: VC下的OpenGL开发框架与应用举例-VC under the OpenGL application development framework with examples
Platform: | Size: 1957888 | Author: hkx | Hits:

[OpenGL programOpenGL※※VC

Description: OpenGL※※VC框架-OpenGL framework VC**
Platform: | Size: 177152 | Author: 张要 | Hits:

[OpenGL programOPENGL Particles

Description: 用OPENGL+VC开发的料子系统程序.-use OpenGL development of the VC system procedures or materials.
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: 周大 | Hits:

[OpenGL programNewProject

Description: 本程序是基于vc的opengl编程,对三维物体进行压缩、放大、旋转、平移等操作,很有参考价值。-this program is based on the opengl vc programming of 3D objects compression, zooming, rotation, translation, etc, great reference value.
Platform: | Size: 4198400 | Author: 梁子 | Hits:

[OpenGL programtry_OpenGL_selection_src

Description: 本程序是基于vc的opengl编程,通过鼠标选择物体,从而可以进行图像交互功能,有很好的参考价值。-this program is based on the opengl vc programming, through mouse to choose objects, which can image interactive function, a good reference value.
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: 梁子 | Hits:

[OpenGL programVC结合OpenGL绘制效果图

Description: 利用visual c++开发OpenGL绘制三维效果图在此利用OpenGl辅助库函数绘制球体并添加鼠标操作旋转球体以及背景物体等等的颜色改变处-use visual development OpenGL 3D map drawn in the use of library functions OpenGl assisted mapping ball and add mouse operation rotating spherical object and the background color changes etc. Department
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: 张三 | Hits:

[OpenGL programOpenGL导弹模拟系统VC程序

Description: 本程序模拟导弹系统,用VC+OpenGL开发,包含了OpenGL开发基本函数的用法。-the procedures simulated missile system, with VC OpenGL development, including the development of the OpenGL basic function of usage.
Platform: | Size: 208896 | Author: 王京 | Hits:

[OpenGL programOpengl sample

Description: 这个是使用VC实现的OPENGL建模,并实时渲染的好实例。其中包含全部源代码和实例。其功能类似3DMAX,可以建立各种模型和贴图。-this is the use of the VC OpenGL modeling, and real-time rendering a good example. Which includes all source code and examples. 3DMAX similar functions, the establishment of various models and textures.
Platform: | Size: 2668544 | Author: 蔡志煌 | Hits:

[OpenGL programOpenGL※※VC框架

Description: OpenGL※※VC框架,包含单文档,多文档,对话框。-OpenGL** VC framework consists of a single file, multi-file, the dialog.
Platform: | Size: 173056 | Author: 张立 | Hits:

[OpenGL program对话窗体中使用openGL

Description: VC对话框程序实现openGL在对话窗体上画3D图像,并可以根据BMP图片绘制3D物体的背景。-VC Program openGL dialog box in the dialogue window painted 3D images, and BMP images can draw 3D objects on the background.
Platform: | Size: 189440 | Author: 王金营 | Hits:

[OpenGL programVC++OpenGL

Description: VC++开发环境 OpenGL -VC development environment OpenGL Thank you, Thank you!
Platform: | Size: 10155008 | Author: 耿岑雪 | Hits:

[OpenGL programOpenGL

Description: 利用OpenGL、VC++编写的C++,三维点云处理程序,对于学习图形学、C++、OpenGL、文件读写很有帮助,是一个三维软件公司编写代码一部分,尤其是OpenGL库文件相当管用。 有两个数据文件 鼠标默认操作:具体还在头文件中 中键拖动 旋转 中键+Ctrl 平移 中键+Shift 面旋 滚轮滚动 缩放 中键+Ctrl + Shift 局部放大-The use of OpenGL, VC++ to prepare the C++, three-dimensional point cloud processing, the study graphics, C++, OpenGL, file read and write very helpful and is a three-dimensional software companies as part of writing code, especially OpenGL library files are quite useful. There are two data files default mouse operation: concrete is also the first document in the key drag rotating shift key+ Ctrl button+ Shift noodle spinning scroll wheel zoom in the key+ Ctrl+ Shift partial to enlarge
Platform: | Size: 1081344 | Author: 刘洋 | Hits:
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